Chiropractic clincis near me Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Chiropractic
2415 Sarah Street.

Click to call 1.412.381.4453

Find hope and help in Pittsburgh for peripheral neuropathy. We literally wrote the book on comprehensive neuropathy care. Neuropathy care requires a comprehensive approach to treatment.  Job 1 is to find and correct the “cause” of neuropathy whenever possible. Job 2 is to provide relief of the symptoms. We have a long list of tools we use to reduce the pain, burning and numbness associated with neuropathy, too many treatments to list here. Job 3 is to promote repair and rehabilitation of nerve function. Anything less is inadequate neuropathy care. Dr. Kukurin teaches other doctors how to treat neuropathy and is recognized as a leader in comprehensive neuropathy care and rehabilitation. Call now to set up a consultation with Dr. Kukurin.


Call to schedule your free MRI and records review with one of our doctors who has treated hundreds of patients, like you, who are suffering from peripheral; neuropathy.

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Using laser stimulation over traditional acupuncture points combines 2 of the most effective treatments available for the relief of neuropathy symptoms. Some studies even suggest that acupuncture and laser therapy may even stimulate nerves to regenerative. This is truly exciting news for neuropathy patients.

Dr. Kukurin
Neuropathy Care!


Neuropathy Resources
in Pittsburgh