Chiropractic clincis near me Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Chiropractic
2415 Sarah Street.

Click to call 1.412.381.4453

Whiplash, Headaches and Neck Pain in Pittsburgh

Headache and neck pain are related, the trigeminal ganglion, also known as the “headache circuit” lies in the spinal cord of the upper neck. Because of this relationship, treating the muscles of the neck, not only relieves neck pain, but also does wonders for migraine, tension and even sinus headaches.  We use specialized tools to stretch, relax and release trigger-points in the neck muscles, seen below.

Likewise gentle mobilization of the delicate joints of the neck can provide significant headache relief. Combining these two powerful headache relieving techniques with our other effective therapies  often allow our patients to reduce or eliminate their pain medications! You don’t need to keep suffering; call us to find out more.

So call to schedule your free MRI and records review with one of our doctors who has treated hundreds of patients, like you, who are suffering from headaches and/or neck pain.

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Exercise and proper spinal alignment are essential for long lasting headache pain relief   and improved neck muscle function. Forward head posture pictured in the women in red above is sometimes call “headache posture”  It must be corrected.